Neurological Integration System - To Have a Healthy Body, You Need a Healthy BrainNeurolink/NIS
Please take a moment to read this to learn about a new and incredibly powerful therapy I have incorporated into my acupuncture and naturopathic work. It is called Neurolink/NIS (Neurological Integration System).
What is Neurolink/NIS?
Developed by Dr. Allan Phillips, DO, from New Zealand, this approach to chronic disease and pain relief derives from his work in Neuro-Anatomy and Physiology by incorporating the most current brain research using medical and energetic models.
Neurolink is a comprehensive system of healthcare, which uses the premier diagnostic tool available-YOUR BRAIN! Neurolink activates the brain’s ability to orchestrate every system in the human body and re-calibrate those systems. The NIS session is painless, gentle, and non-manipulative and takes about 45-60 minutes to complete. Each Neurolink session checks for and integrates 30+ different systems and is safe for babies, children, adults and seniors.
How does Neurolink/NIS Work?
When we experience stress to our system – physical, pathological, chemical or emotional – we experience pain or other symptoms of dis-ease. This occurs when the body’s tolerances have been exceeded due to an interference field; i.e., toxins, pathogens, environmental pollutants, or any type of physical, mental or emotional stressor. The communication network in your brain and nervous system becomes overwhelmed and overloaded. The problem or illness arises because the link between the brain and body via the nervous system has been impaired. The brain no longer has awareness ofî or ability to efficiently regulate the function of the bodily system. (Think about how poorly a computer runs when it is full of viruses and other malicious software)
Neurolink practitioners investigate the status of all bodily functions (cells, glands, organs and tissues) as they work together in communication with your brain and nervous system.
The practitioner uses a series of sequential and prioritized steps with Kinesiology testing to determine if CONGRUENCY exists between the brain and all cells, glands, organs, and tissues. NO CONGRUENCY=CONFUSION, which results in dysfunction and symptoms.
Like repairing an electrical circuit, the Neurolink process allows broken connections to be reconnected utilizing a simple and effective re-integration technique.
What Does Neurolink/NIS Treat?
Effective in treating acute pain and chronic illness, Neurolink/NIS addresses health at the cellular level. It helps the system both eliminate and adapt to stressors in our internal and external terrain.
I have found this work to be highly beneficial for the following symptoms and syndromes:
Allergies – Asthma – Back & Neck Pain – Children’s Health – Circulatory Problems – Chronic Fatigue – Depression – Digestion Issues – Fibromyalgia – Learning & Behavioral Difficulties – ADD/ADHD – Men’s Health – Migraine & Headaches – Neurological Injury – Skin Problems – Sleep Disorders – Sports Injuries – Microbial Overgrowth – Immunity – Women’s Health
I am excited and passionate about bringing this work into the public awareness, and would like you to come and experience Neurolink/NIS for yourself. For more info, go to
Please call Ciel at 828.232.4488 to set up an appointment, or with any questions you might have.
Ciel Walko, L. Ac (NC #61), Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM), CTN (Certified Traditional Naturopath)